MILITARY GOODS - red marking (Carboranes, decaborane and their derivatives)
Some of our products, such as carboranes, decaborane and their derivatives, are "energy materials" and are categorised as MILITARY GOODS. For goods classified as military, you can find all of the necessary information on this website.
A customer from the Czech Republic does not need to have a permit for trade in military material if he consumes the goods himself on the territory of the Czech Republic. Before concluding the contract, he must provide the end-use certificate (EUC) about the place and manner of use of the military material.
Required documents:
MILITARY GOODS Ordering Procedure
End - Use Certificate - please note that if the certificate is printed on 2 sheets, both sheets must be signed by the relevant authority in your country. It is important that you complete the last line on the first page, the use to which the goods will be put, which must be explained exactly and in detail (simply stating “research” is not sufficient).
For the transport of goods, we require a copy of the import licence from your government department or a confirmation (signed by customs) that no import licence is required for the import of the compound(s).
End-Use Declaration (EUD)