Customer Care
Licenses for Military Goods

MILITARY GOODS - red marking (Carboranes, decaborane and their derivatives)

Some of our products, such as carboranes, decaborane and their derivatives, are "energy materials" and are categorised as MILITARY GOODS. For goods classified as military, you can find all of the necessary information on this website.

A customer from the Czech Republic does not need to have a permit for trade in military material if he consumes the goods himself on the territory of the Czech Republic. Before concluding the contract, he must provide the end-use certificate (EUC) about the place and manner of use of the military material.

Required documents:

  • Purchase Order summary (POS) 
  • End - Use Certificate (EUC) + IIC - International Import Certificate (for the U. S. and Japan)
  • Copy of your country's military trade permit registration
  • Final End - Use Declaration (EUD), if the goods are also 10B enriched, enriched o-carborane, etc.

MILITARY GOODS Ordering Procedure

  • Purchase Order summary (see How to order Goods for how to obtain this)
  • Completed End – Use Certificate: docx for all countries to which military goods can be exported
                                                                 docx for domestic sales to Czech Republic
    (obligatory document for download)
  • Completed International Import Certificate – its completion is mandatory for Japan pdf and US pdf customers
  • Completed End – Use Declaration for goods that are designated as both military and dual-use items (e.g. 10B enriched o-carborane):
    docx for all countries to which military goods can be exported
    docx for domestic sales to Czech Republic
  • A copy of your country's military trade permit registration 


End - Use Certificate - please note that if the certificate is printed on 2 sheets, both sheets must be signed by the relevant authority in your country. It is important that you complete the last line on the first page, the use to which the goods will be put, which must be explained exactly and in detail (simply stating “research” is not sufficient).

For the transport of goods, we require a copy of the import licence from your government department or a confirmation (signed by customs) that no import licence is required for the import of the compound(s).

End-Use Declaration (EUD)

A completed End-Use Declaration form is required from customers in all countries. This form serves as the basis for our national authorities to grant an export license.

Without a duly completed document, printed on your institution's letterhead and bearing the signatures of the statutory representative and an original stamp, our company cannot apply for an export license from the Licence Administration of the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Czech Republic.

When filling out the End-Use Declaration, please provide a detailed description of the intended use; simply stating "Research" is not sufficient.

If the Buyer is not the end user, they are required to obtain this declaration from the actual end user.

Please send all scanned documents (Purchase Order Summary, End-Use Certificate, Copy of your country's military trade permit registration, International Import Certificate, and final End-Use Declaration) via email to

Additionally, please send the original documents by standard post to our address:

Katchem spol. s r.o. Minická 635, 278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou, Czech Republic

Upon receipt of the above documents, we will apply to the relevant authorities for an export license. The license fee, amounting to 250 EUR / 295 USD, is to be paid by the buyer.

The licensing process typically takes 2-3 months. If the Seller fails to obtain the export license(s), the order will be automatically cancelled, and the Buyer will be duly informed of this circumstance.


Post-Delivery Procedure for 10B Enriched Military Goods

Upon delivery of the goods, we require written confirmation from your customs office stating that the goods have been successfully delivered to the end user.

Additionally, we need written confirmation from the end-use customer affirming the receipt of the goods. This confirmation form will be included with the shipment and sent via email. Unfortunately, completion of this form is necessary by the end user. Subsequently, we are obligated to report this confirmation, which may be in email form, to the National Nuclear Safety Board that issued the export license immediately after the export.